It is with great pleasure that I write to you today and express our acknowledgement of your integrity as well as your quality of workmanship and genuine strive to complete a project to the acceptance of the Client. Although Sobeys may be a difficult Client, they are a great Client in regards to the amount of work they generate for our province. As our Painting Contractor for the Sobeys Bedford project, your team executed all works without complaint and made many trips to site in order to satisfy a Client that has particularly high levels of quality of finish expectations. Your provision of services alone should be sufficient to receive praise however you have risen above that status and presented Marco with a cheque to cover off additional deficiencies noted after your contract had been paid out. This gesture of high morals and integrity has not gone unnoticed and you set a standard for all of us to strive towards.
We thank you for your professionalism, we wish you success and we look forward to working together on future projects.
Greg Sabean